Rare Oz Snowy Coturnix Quail Chicks FARM PICKUP ONLY
Price is per 1 chick under 1 week old from our NPIP certified farm. Oz Snowy is a color gene that adds a chocolate pastel tone to the plumage. This is a very rare gene and was not previously available in the USA until Fall 2024 after it was imported from Australia and then distributed to the public by Thieving Otter Farm. These chicks will have the possibility of a variety of plumage patterns with the Oz snowy gene. Most common possibilities may include Oz Snowy on Fawn, Sparkly Oz Snowy on Fawn, Oz Snowy on Wildtype (Pharoah), Sparkly Oz Snowy on Wildtype, & Homozygous Sparkly Oz Snowy. All chicks are sold straight run, not sexed. PRICE IS PER CHICK!
THESE ARE AVAILABLE FOR SCHEDULED FARM PICK ONLY! REFUNDS WILL NOT BE MADE IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO PICK THE CHICKS UP. THIS IS A PREORDER AND MAY TAKE 2-8 WEEKS FOR CHICKS TO BE AVAILABLE. We do not supply anything to transport the chicks. You will need to bring your own cage with plenty of room so the chicks do not trample each other and plenty of ventilation. Quail chicks are MUCH smaller than chicken chicks so please do not bring wire cages as it will not contain them. These chicks will be less than 1 week old so they will need to be kept on heat at 95 degrees F. Keep that in mind if you will be traveling with them outside the Andover area. We do NOT accept responsibility for chicks after they have left our property and we do not accept returns. Chicks require extra care and can easily overheat, get too cold, become stressed, or suffocate from items in their environment such as bedding. If you are new to quail chicks, please contact us with questions so you will be prepared to meet all their needs before they come home with you. THE ONLY CIRCUMSTANCE UNDER WHICH REFUNDS WILL BE MADE IS IF WE CANNOT PROVIDE CHICKS FOR YOU TO PICK UP WITHIN 8 WEEKS OF ORDER. WE WILL NOT MAKE REFUNDS IF YOU CANNOT PICK THEM UP FOR ANY OTHER CIRCUMSTANCE. PICKUPS ARE MADE BY APPOINTMENT ONLY!
Price is per 1 chick under 1 week old from our NPIP certified farm. Oz Snowy is a color gene that adds a chocolate pastel tone to the plumage. This is a very rare gene and was not previously available in the USA until Fall 2024 after it was imported from Australia and then distributed to the public by Thieving Otter Farm. These chicks will have the possibility of a variety of plumage patterns with the Oz snowy gene. Most common possibilities may include Oz Snowy on Fawn, Sparkly Oz Snowy on Fawn, Oz Snowy on Wildtype (Pharoah), Sparkly Oz Snowy on Wildtype, & Homozygous Sparkly Oz Snowy. All chicks are sold straight run, not sexed. PRICE IS PER CHICK!
THESE ARE AVAILABLE FOR SCHEDULED FARM PICK ONLY! REFUNDS WILL NOT BE MADE IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO PICK THE CHICKS UP. THIS IS A PREORDER AND MAY TAKE 2-8 WEEKS FOR CHICKS TO BE AVAILABLE. We do not supply anything to transport the chicks. You will need to bring your own cage with plenty of room so the chicks do not trample each other and plenty of ventilation. Quail chicks are MUCH smaller than chicken chicks so please do not bring wire cages as it will not contain them. These chicks will be less than 1 week old so they will need to be kept on heat at 95 degrees F. Keep that in mind if you will be traveling with them outside the Andover area. We do NOT accept responsibility for chicks after they have left our property and we do not accept returns. Chicks require extra care and can easily overheat, get too cold, become stressed, or suffocate from items in their environment such as bedding. If you are new to quail chicks, please contact us with questions so you will be prepared to meet all their needs before they come home with you. THE ONLY CIRCUMSTANCE UNDER WHICH REFUNDS WILL BE MADE IS IF WE CANNOT PROVIDE CHICKS FOR YOU TO PICK UP WITHIN 8 WEEKS OF ORDER. WE WILL NOT MAKE REFUNDS IF YOU CANNOT PICK THEM UP FOR ANY OTHER CIRCUMSTANCE. PICKUPS ARE MADE BY APPOINTMENT ONLY!
Price is per 1 chick under 1 week old from our NPIP certified farm. Oz Snowy is a color gene that adds a chocolate pastel tone to the plumage. This is a very rare gene and was not previously available in the USA until Fall 2024 after it was imported from Australia and then distributed to the public by Thieving Otter Farm. These chicks will have the possibility of a variety of plumage patterns with the Oz snowy gene. Most common possibilities may include Oz Snowy on Fawn, Sparkly Oz Snowy on Fawn, Oz Snowy on Wildtype (Pharoah), Sparkly Oz Snowy on Wildtype, & Homozygous Sparkly Oz Snowy. All chicks are sold straight run, not sexed. PRICE IS PER CHICK!
THESE ARE AVAILABLE FOR SCHEDULED FARM PICK ONLY! REFUNDS WILL NOT BE MADE IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO PICK THE CHICKS UP. THIS IS A PREORDER AND MAY TAKE 2-8 WEEKS FOR CHICKS TO BE AVAILABLE. We do not supply anything to transport the chicks. You will need to bring your own cage with plenty of room so the chicks do not trample each other and plenty of ventilation. Quail chicks are MUCH smaller than chicken chicks so please do not bring wire cages as it will not contain them. These chicks will be less than 1 week old so they will need to be kept on heat at 95 degrees F. Keep that in mind if you will be traveling with them outside the Andover area. We do NOT accept responsibility for chicks after they have left our property and we do not accept returns. Chicks require extra care and can easily overheat, get too cold, become stressed, or suffocate from items in their environment such as bedding. If you are new to quail chicks, please contact us with questions so you will be prepared to meet all their needs before they come home with you. THE ONLY CIRCUMSTANCE UNDER WHICH REFUNDS WILL BE MADE IS IF WE CANNOT PROVIDE CHICKS FOR YOU TO PICK UP WITHIN 8 WEEKS OF ORDER. WE WILL NOT MAKE REFUNDS IF YOU CANNOT PICK THEM UP FOR ANY OTHER CIRCUMSTANCE. PICKUPS ARE MADE BY APPOINTMENT ONLY!