At Bright Marvel Farm we believe in breeding for quality not quantity. Our lines are bred with conformation & function as priorities.

We prove our dairy goats by participating in DHIA milk test with the expectation that all our does achieve all 3 milk stars. We use testing to determine our best producers & which does will be bred. We are also signed up to participate in 2025 linear appraisal with our does this spring. We are members of ADGA and all of our goats are ADGA registered. Our herd is tested negative annually for CAE, CL, & Johnes.

Our quail are bred to be dual purpose for optimal meat and egg production. In order to achieve this conformation is of utmost importance since size & egg production alone will not allow for consistent production of these traits in offspring. The birds must be built to sustain that weight and egg production over time. We are members of ACBA in an effort to participate in a community that make these traits a priority and educates us on how to do so. We take biosecurity protocols seriously and are NPIP certified by the state in an effort to provide healthy birds to our community.

We are members of NABSSAR and all of our sheep are registered with them. We strive to produce lambs that meet their breed standard & ewes that are good mothers. Our foundation breeding stock are all directly from or go back to Diane Spisak’s renowned Sheepfields lines.

*M Tule Creek Moiraine Damodred x Here Be Goats Enzo Ferrari

We are so grateful to Tule Creek for letting Moiraine join our herd. She has been maturing into everything we had hoped for. She was a first freshener last spring & produced 2 beautiful twins by Tule Creek HF Paris’s Pickpocket, 1 girl we retained and 1 boy. She produced just under 2 gallons/day and has excellent milk stand manners. She achieved all 3 milk stars & we particpated in our first show last May. We have admired Here Be lines for some time now and were so excited when Brandy offered us the opportunity to breed to Enzo. We think he will compliment Moiraine nicely. His dam’s udder is pictured far right. We expect to keep any doelings from this breeding, but any bucklings will be available. She is due the first week of March.

photo thanks to Brandy Rigg

photo credit to Here Be Goats

*M Bright Marvel Farm Nynaeve x Here Be Goats Enzo Ferrari

Nynaeve is out of our own *M 3 Varner Girls Talulo x Tule Creek Paris’ Pickpocket. She was a first freshener last spring & produced 2 beautiful twins by Landrun KVS Al’Lan Mandragoran, 1 girl we retained and 1 boy. She produced just over 1.5 gallons/day and has excellent milk stand manners. She has achieved all 3 milk stars. We have admired Here Be lines for some time now and were so excited when Brandy offered us the opportunity to breed to Enzo. We think he will compliment Nynaeve nicely. His dam’s udder is pictured far right. We expect to keep any doelings from this breeding, but any bucklings will be available. She is due the first week of March.

photo thanks to Brandy Rigg

photo credit to Here Be Goats

Food 4 Thought Chive Lunaleigh x Food for Thought Divinity

We are so grateful to Brandy at Food 4 Thought for letting Lunaleigh join our herd. We discontinued our Nubian breeding program to focus on our Lamanchas, but she was our first Nubian and one of our favorites so she has stayed despite not being bred last year. She was producing close to 2 gallons/day her last freshening & has excellent milk stand manners. We have decided to breed her this year so she has her first opportunity on milk test to earn her milk stars. This will be her 3rd freshening. Since we no longer have any other Nubians we were so grateful that Brandy at Food 4 Thought gave us the opportunity to use Destiny. Since we have discontinued our Nubian breeding program other than this single breeding, all her kids will likely be available.

photo thanks to Bobbie Kroetch

photo thanks to Brandy Rigg

photo credit to Here Be Goats

Sheepfields 726 Amelia Pond x

Sheepfields 748 Ride The Tardos

Blide Pasture Pets 0175 Sophie (Donna) x Sheepfields 748 Ride The Tardos

Photo thanks to Bobbie Kroetch