These kids are available with ADGA registration as bottle babies. We do not offer holds without a 50% non-refundable deposit. We prove our does by participating in DHIA milk test with the expectation that all our does achieve all 3 milk stars. We use testing to determine our best producers & which does will be bred. We are also signed up to participate in 2025 linear appraisal with our does this spring. We are members of ADGA and all of our goats are ADGA registered. Our herd is tested negative annually for CAE, CL, & Johnes. Does are given a CDT vaccine approximately 30 days before they are due to provide protection to their kids through their colostrum.
*M Tule Creek Moiraine Damodred x Here Be Goats Enzo Ferrari
Price: $250
We expect this guy to be an excellent choice for someone wanting to add more milk production to their lines or to show. His dam was a first freshener last spring & produced 2 beautiful twins by Tule Creek HF Paris’s Pickpocket, 1 girl we retained and 1 boy. She produced just under 2 gallons/day at her peak and has excellent milk stand manners. She achieved all 3 milk stars & we participated in our first show last May. She has a nice pedigree going back to some quality does & bucks, including the famous SGCH Lucky Star’s Lot Vivian- Elite Doe 7 years in a row, Top10 milker, & many other noteworthy accomplishments. We have admired Here Be lines for some time now and were so excited when Brandy offered us the opportunity to breed to Enzo. We think he will compliment Moiraine nicely. His dam’s udder is pictured far right. His pedigree is also full of some incredible does & bucks both in regard to dairy production & performance in the ring.
Moiraine, Dam
Moiraine, Dam
Sire, photo thanks to Brandy Rigg
Sire’s Dam, photo credit to Here Be Goats
Price: $250
*M Bright Marvel Farm Nynaeve x Here Be Goats Enzo Ferrari
We expect this buckling to be a great choice for someone wanting to add more dairy production to their herd or to show. His dam was a first freshener last spring & produced 2 beautiful twins by Landrun KVS Al’Lan Mandragoran, 1 girl we retained and 1 boy. She produced just over 1.5 gallons/day and has excellent milk stand manners. She has achieved all 3 milk stars. She has a nice pedigree going back to some quality does & bucks, including the famous SGCH Lucky Star’s Lot Vivian- Elite Doe 7 years in a row, Top10 milker, & many other noteworthy accomplishments. We have admired Here Be lines for some time now and were so excited when Brandy offered us the opportunity to breed to Enzo. We think he will compliment Nynaeve nicely. His dam’s udder is pictured far right. His pedigree is also full of some incredible does & bucks both in regard to dairy production & performance in the ring.
Nynaeve, Dam
Nynaeve, Dam
Sire, photo thanks to Brandy Rigg
Sire’s Dam, photo credit to Here Be Goats